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Mode of Instruction: Teamwork           Purpose: Deliver instruction; collect information on team progress

Objective: To facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse, one team member is provided with information that will allow teams to analyze and compare student approaches to problem solving. The teacher monitors which teams need support to facilitate discourse.

Teacher monitors the learning progression of teams, disseminates information, or seeks consensus on topics or concepts. Teacher calls one team member to a Huddle in the classroom. Teacher shares a piece of information or checks for understanding. Team member (1) returns from the Huddle to share with other team members.

  • One team member is called to a location in the classroom.

  • Teacher shares a piece of information or checks for understanding.

  • Team member (1) returns to the team and shares information.


I Have...Who Has...

Mode of Instruction: Teacher-led            Purpose: Elicit final reflective comment

Objective: To facilitate mathematical discourse, students share understanding of a concept/topic and critique the sharing of others. Teacher makes instructional decisions about the concept/topic based on sharing.

To review, build vocabulary, connect mathematical representations, or connect mathematical threads, Teacher leads I Have...Who Has... Student receives a card with one problem and one answer. Student (1)—starter card—states, "Who has...[problem]." Student (2)—with the solution—says, "I have...[answer]." This continues throughout the set of cards.

This strategy may be modified for independent practice, partners, or teams. Consider time restrictions and multiple rounds.

  • Student receives a card with one problem and one answer to a different problem.

  • Student (1) asks, "Who has..." and states the problem.

  • Student (2)—with the solution—says, "I have..." and states the answer.

  • Process continues until all problems have answers.

I Spy

Mode of Instruction: Independent/Teamwork           Purpose: Share ideas

Objective: To support productive struggle in learning mathematics, students visit other teams to generate ideas about a concept/topic. Teacher makes instructional decisions after posing purposeful questions.

A team becomes stuck while problem solving. The Resource Manager becomes a spy for the team and silently circulates to listen for ideas from other teams. The Resource Manager refrains from any team interactions while spying on other teams. The Resource manager reports back to the team to share information about the problem.

  • Team becomes stuck at one point while problem solving.

  • The Resource Manager circulates around the classroom, silently listening to, or spying on the teams' work.

  • The Resource Manager reports back to the team to share information about the problem.

I Used to Think..., Now I Think... Protocol

reading strategy where group members read text and then reflect using “I used to think...” and “Now I think…”  Responses are shared with partners, groups and/or the whole class.

Implement Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving

One of the eight Mathematics Teaching Practices from Principles to Actions that needs to be a consistent component of every mathematics lesson.  Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in solving and discussing tasks that promote mathematical reasoning and problem solving and allow multiple entry points and varied solution strategies.

Implementation Support Visits

Also known as ISVs, these classroom visits are conducted by a trained and experienced CPM specialist using CPM's Implementation Progress Tool in order to provide individual support, non-evaluative feedback, and an opportunity for teacher reflection. Each new teacher is eligible to receive up to two visits per year during the first two years of implementation.

Instructional Strategies Outcome 1

Apply knowledge of NCTM’s Mathematics Teaching Practices and connect them to instructional strategies

Instructional Strategies Outcome 2

Implement instructional strategies that support the Standards for Mathematical Practice

Instructional Strategies Outcome 3

Understand how multiple modes of instruction ensure access for all students

Instructional Strategies Outcome 4

Establish and reinforce routines and roles that clearly define expectations for multiple modes of instruction

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