CPM Glossary
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Hosted Gallery WalkA Gallery Walk is a STTS where teams display posters or presentations. Students explain and critique as individuals/teams rotate about the classroom. Rotations are completed quietly—Museum Walk—or through discussion—Gallery Walk. If the teacher decides to allow feedback, students provide positive feedback Two Stars and a Wish or Glow and Grow.
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Hot PotatoMode of Instruction: Teamwork Purpose: Collaboration Objective: To support productive struggle in learning multiple step procedures, teams grapple with mathematical problems and explain their thinking. Teacher monitors through circulation and purposeful questioning. Students practice concepts before mastery or review multiple step problems. Teams receive one sheet of paper. Each team member is provided a different colored writing utensil. Team Member (1) records the first step of the strategy, and rotates the paper to Team Member (2). Team Member (2) corrects mistakes, explains the step aloud, and records the second step. The rotation continues until the problem is completed. Teacher decides if each team member signs the paper agreeing to everything that was written down.
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Hot SeatMode of Instruction: Teamwork Purpose: Individual accountability during teamwork Objective: To build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding, students use opportunities to develop strategies for similar mathematical problems. Teacher monitors strategies for problems. Students demonstrate individual accountability by working on a problem individually away from team members. While mastery of a concept is not yet expected when using this strategy, students have worked with similar problems through collaboration in teams. One chair is placed in the front of the classroom for each team. Team Member (1) sits in the chair to work on the same problem as other team members. Team Member (1) remains silent while teams discuss and record strategies. Teacher assesses both Team Member (1)'s work and teamwork. Two points are assigned for Team Member (1) and one point for correct team responses. Team Member (2) rotates to the Hot Seat to continue the strategy.
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HuddleMode of Instruction: Teamwork Purpose: Deliver instruction; collect information on team progress Objective: To facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse, one team member is provided with information that will allow teams to analyze and compare student approaches to problem solving. The teacher monitors which teams need support to facilitate discourse. Teacher monitors the learning progression of teams, disseminates information, or seeks consensus on topics or concepts. Teacher calls one team member to a Huddle in the classroom. Teacher shares a piece of information or checks for understanding. Team member (1) returns from the Huddle to share with other team members.
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