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Think Ink Pair Share-Socially Distanced

This could be done with whiteboards so that the writing is large enough for distanced students to see each others work.

It could also be done with a Google Doc.  The teacher posts a prompt in a document or sheet. Have each student write an entry and then read their partners and comment or question on what they read.  Teachers would monitor the time and give students verbal feedback about the amount of time left.

Think Ink Pair Share-Synchronous

This could be done on a document or a spreadsheet.  The advantage of a spreadsheet is that you could lock some of the columns or rows so that students could not change the data.  

The teacher posts a prompt in a document or sheet. Have each student write an entry and then read their partners and comment or question on what they read.  Teachers would monitor the time and give students verbal feedback about the amount of time left.

You could also do this with Private Chats or Breakout Rooms but be mindful that you may not always be able to monitor these chats.


Mode of Instruction: Independent/Partner/Teamwork           Purpose: Individual reflection prior to discussion

Objective: To elicit and use evidence of student thinking, students utilize intentionally planned think time before responding to and sharing out understanding.

To emphasize the importance of think-time, the teacher poses a question/problem for students to silently think about. After a short period of time, students write an explanation to share. When the teacher indicates, partners share explanations. Partners may share within the team or the whole class.

Think-Pair-Share (Think-Ink-Pair-Share variation)

Students receive a question—possibly about concepts covered in a unit, Diamond Problems, or mental math—and silently think for a short period of time. Without writing, partners discuss explanations of the question. Partners may then share out with the rest of the team or class.

  • Teacher poses a question/problem.

  • Students think for a period of time—one or two minutes.

  • Students silently prepare an explanation in writing to share.

  • Partners take turns sharing written explanations.

  • Partners may then share out with the rest of the team or class.

Third CPM Principle of Assessment

Students should be assessed only on content with which they have been meaningfully engaged, and with which they have had ample time to make sense of.


Related problems and/or lessons intentionally sequenced within and between courses to help students both deepen conceptual knowledge and build procedural fluency.


2kzpZqPIrDIYw5aoENW5md3NYg4ED8CeQXj75V0XO_huSaBi8oMjk68ikxT-FT_GdQEzVDRpzs4WnEhkM4WEfY8XeyuBDTDC0YzLmRrwkWk_6MOtVB7XjTnE91C3dekj_ET2jq5d Working documents in which students write Learning Logs, interact with Math Notes and create other personal reference tools.

Tools and Technology Outcome 1

Learn how to access CPM’s Synthesis of Research and course preparation resources

Tools and Technology Outcome 2

Experience how to engage students with content using Desmos and other eTools

Tools and Technology Outcome 3

Understand the structure and organization of the teacher and student ebooks

Tools and Technology Outcome 4

Locate Closure and Assessment resources

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