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Tools and Technology Outcome 6

Understand how to access Team Support and Strategies to establish and maintain classroom expectations

Tools and Technology Outcome 7

Examine Universal Access and Literacy resources to support the learning of all students

Tools and Technology Outcome 8

Learn how to access and navigate CPM’s Learning Management System

Tools and Technology Outcome 9

Locate resources to support parent and public relations

Traveling Salesperson

Mode of Instruction: Teamwork/Teacher-led           Purpose: Communicate mathematical ideas

Objective: To implement tasks that promote reasoning, students solve a problem and decide on an effective strategy within a team. One team member shares that strategy with other teams.

Teams receive a topic or problem—same/different from other teams—and a presentation is prepared. Teams plan and practice within teams. Then one team member—Traveling Salesperson—rotates to another team to pitch the presentation. The team asks clarifying questions. Then the Traveling Salesperson returns to the team so that roles may rotate. The use of Numbered Heads allows all team members to rotate. The teacher circulates to make informed instructional decisions about which team member is assigned the role of Traveling Salesperson.

  • Teams receive a topic or problem from the teacher.

  • Teams complete the problem by planning a presentation.

  • Team Member (1) shares the presentation with another team.

  • The process continues with another topic or problem, and roles may rotate.

Tuning Protocol

Mode of Instruction: Teamwork           Purpose: Receive feedback

Objective: To promote meaningful mathematical discourse, students share, analyze, and compare teammates' approaches and arguments.

Team Member (1) presents an explanation to a problem to other team members in a short period of time—one or two minutes. The presentation may be a portfolio project, a report, a math problem, Learning Log, etc. When the time is up, team members ask Team Member (1) any questions or clarifications—about one minute. Then Team Member (1) turns away from the team while team members discuss the presentation and deepen understanding of the problem—five minutes—, while Team Member (1) listens and writes notes. Team Member (1) turns back and shares a reflection of the discussion. The role may rotate to Team Member (2) and the process continues. The teacher uses discretion for length of activity.

  • Team Member (1) presents an explanation to a problem in teams.

  • Team Members ask Team Member (1) questions or clarifications.

  • Team Member (1) turns away from the team while listening and writing notes.

  • Team Member (1) shares a reflection of the discussion.

  • The role is rotated to Team Member (2) and the process continues.

Turn and Talk

Mode of Instruction: Partner Work           Purpose: Share understanding

Objective: To promote productive struggle with a topic before mastery is expected, two students share mathematical ideas with each other. Teacher monitors through circulation.

To discuss a procedure or concept without writing, one team member explains while the other team member listens. If there is a disagreement, students continue to discuss the solution and agree on a single explanation. When partners have an explanation, they share with the rest of the team.

  • Students work in pairs.

  • Team Member (1) explains while Team Member (2) listens.

  • Team Member (2) asks clarifying questions to Team Member (1).

  • Partners agree on one explanation to share with other members of the team.

  • Roles are reversed for the next problem.

Two Stars and a Wish

Mode of Instruction: Independent/Teamwork           Purpose: Reflection and feedback

Objective: To establish goals to focus learning, students identify strengths and areas for growth. Teacher monitors students’ understanding to guide instructional decisions.

During any presentation, students record two things they really liked—Two Stars—and one suggestion that might improve the presentation—a Wish. At times, a team member may be present to explain or answer questions about the presentation.

  • Students record two things they like about a presentation.

  • Students record one thing that would improve the presentation.

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