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Research Connections Outcome 1

Gain knowledge of CPM’s Three Pillars of Research and how they are incorporated into the design of CPM curriculum

Research Connections Outcome 2

Understand and apply strategies and systems to establish CPM’s Three Pillars of Research in their classroom using the Implementation Progress Tool

Research Connections Outcome 3

Build an understanding of NCTM’s Mathematics Teaching Practices, connecting them to the design of CPM curriculum and to their own instructional practice

Research Connections Outcome 4

Incorporate knowledge of CPM’s Three Pillars of Research to intentionally build formative and summative assessments

Research Connections Outcome 5

Assimilate content from the CPM Newsletters, Position Papers, Principles, and the Teacher Research Corp’s (TRC) action research to reflect on and guide instructional practices

Research Connections Outcome 6

Use and connect research to instructional practices to formatively assess understanding

Research Connections Outcome 7

Examine beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and its impact on all students based on research

Research Connections Outcome 8

Recognize the importance of the Triangle of Teacher Support and how all three components support effective implementation

Resource Manager

The Resource Manager gets necessary supplies and materials for the team and makes sure that the team has cleaned up its area at the end of the day. He or she also manages the non-material resources for the team, seeking input from each person and then calling the teacher over to ask a team question. 

Typically, a teacher could expect to hear a Resource Manager asking:

“Does anyone have an idea?”

“Who can answer that question? Should I call the teacher?”

“What supplies do we need for this activity?”

Review & Preview

The section after a lesson consisting of six to ten problems on a variety of topics and skills; a mixed spaced practice approach that leads to higher learning and better long–term retention.

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