Monday, July 15, 2024, 11:26 PM
Site: CPM Professional Learning Portal
Module: CPM Professional Learning Portal (CPM Professional Learning Portal)
Glossary: CPM Glossary

Intentional Planning Outcome 7

Plan for intentional use of instructional strategies that support status and equity

Intentional Planning Outcome 8

Incorporate multiple modes of instruction to support all learners

Intentional Planning Outcome 9

Utilize the Implementation Progress Tool to reflect on student learning and instructional strategies


The most common type of teacher to student discourse is IRE.  The teacher Initiates a question, the student Responds, and the teacher Evaluates the response. This type of discourse is the most widely used discourse technique but valuable only in a limited number of situations such as T: "Can someone tell me when the test is" S: "Tuesday" T: "Correct".  However, in most cases IRE is not very effective at getting students to think or for that matter motivating them to try. There is too much risk and it gives failure a bad rap. In addition, it positions the teacher as the only one in the room that can be correct.  Talk Moves are a better choice.